Friday, May 22, 2009

Day 17

We had a great day to start off the weekend. We started our day off with buying some flowers for the front yard garden. Kodi and Kingston had a blast helping out. Kodi poured the water in the holes for the flowers and evern helped me plant a few. Kingston just wanted to walk all over the flowers in the garden,silly little boy.

That took all morning from buying the plants to finish picking up and putting away the tools. We than came in for lunch and rested a little bit. We than headed to the lake to let the kids try to Kayak. Scott has one and he is going to be taking it out on Monday. The boys loved it. Xander was pretty good at it. Kodi and Inara just rode in the Kayak with Scott. They than just played in the cool wamer. It was not as hot as the past couple of day but it was still a great day to be outside. ( I do have pictures but the camera is in the car and i don't want to go and get it)
Kingston was very upset with me since I did not let him go in the Lake. The Doc told us if he was in the Lake we needed to make sure his ears stayed out of the water or we would have to put some drops in, plus I did not want to get wet. The water was to cold for me.

Dakota got pretty far walking out in the Lake and a current started to take him away, Xander pulled him back in and we than told Kodi he had to stay closer to the beach. He was very happy and proud that Xander "saved him" Scott was Kayaking towards Kodi was he floated out into Lake Minnetonka. I did not have to many worries about Kodi.

Kingston finally figured it out that I was not going to let him in the water and gave up. He ended up playing the rocks by the swings. I didn't mind that, but he continue to try and eat the rocks, I guess he was pretty hungry to do that.

We than headed over to our good Friend Dave to clean his house and have dinner, by the time I was done cleaning, we decided not to go out for dinner. Kingston decided he wanted a Hot Dog for dinner. Dave very nicely went to DQ and bought us burgers and kodi his hot dog. We are so very blessed to have such a wonderful friend as Dave. I am truly grateful his friendship.

We are now sitting at home, Kingston is still have a hard with bed time. I just simple hold his little leg and let his be upset with me since I don't let him get down to play. It takes about 5 minutes for him to figure out I am not giving up and he gives and will come and nurse to sleep.

Kodi wanted to watch the Disney Movie which was Spy Kids 3 before bed and he did. He is almost asleep. He only have three more days of school which I can't believe. I am not sure how much long he will be at TTP (the therapy place) but he does really enjoy seeing them.

It was a day of sun and fun I am beat and going to go and read Angels and Demons, it's pretty good, the first time I tried to read it I did not get into it, but it's different this time.

So good night to all!