Sunday, August 22, 2010

Boy are we in trouble

We now have three boys so move around the house, yes that is right Peyton is now crawling. He is so very funny about it, he loves to do downward dog and than he crawls. He is very good at crawling backwards. Today he was so focused on getting the plant in the corner at church and he made it. Than I put him back and the crawled under the bench.
He just smiles and is happy, he also have 5 teeth coming in. The two front teeth are right there, we can see them and he is drooling so much, I have to put a bib on him so his chest doesn't get cold from all the drool.
Kingston is doing great he loves going to nursery today we let Kodi take KK to class and he walked right in and asked the teacher if he could help set up. No crying or anything such a big boy.
Kodi had a huge melt down before church and we were late but once it was over he was ready and he is fine. I had asked from other parents for some help with his meltdowns and one parent said they use the yoga pose lion face and it work for now, the boys loved making that face when they are mad at each other and Kodi is pretty good at it.
We have been praying for him to help him and us when he is melting down.