Saturday, August 28, 2010


The whole reason we are here in Minnesota was for Peyton to have his dilation, which was yesterday morning. We started our day up at 5 and off to the hospital by 6 checked in and the waited began. The phone finally rang and we headed down to the 1st floor to wait some more for the doctors to come in and explain what was happening and for us to sign off on the surgery. Peyton left us around 7:15 and we headed to the waiting room surgery started according the board around 7:32 by 8 Doctor Tibser was coming to find us. What he found was great, the airway was opened about a quarter more than what he did last time and so he went ahead and stretched it more, and because he is doing great he up the next surgery out anywhere between 4 to 6 months away. Now with that we will be heading into croup season which affects right where they have been stretching and that can do damage on it's own which for him it would not be good. So far he has been very good in VA and we have had no trips to children's I am praying we keep it that way. Peyton is doing great today and is happy and loving his family here.
Today is the birthday party for Kodi and the twins so that will be fun. So it's off to get presents and things for the party.


Kim Ashford said...

What great news about Peyton! It sounds like you are enjoying yourselves while here. We will not be at church tomorrow but perhaps I will see you before you leave town again.

Nathan and Rebekah said...

Great news! I was thinking about you the other day! Hope all is well!